Sunday, April 27, 2014

From Tumblr to Roommate

Just like any soon-to-be high school graduate, I was very excited to send in my tuition deposit for the school I'd be attending for the next four years. This is a big deal. I picked this school all by myself. My choice.
Anyway, so I posted it on Tumblr. Why? Who knows. Like I said, I was happy.
(In case you need proof that I'm not lying)

Shortly after posting this (April 28, 2013), I get a message in my ask box. I don't remember exactly what it said but it was from this girl who was also going to Rider as freshman. I kind of creeped on her blog a lot and I noticed that she reblogged a lot of the bands that I like (actually just a lot of All Time Low). I decided then that she was cool and we could be friends. After trying to communicate via Tumblr ask box for a few days, we added each other on Facebook and followed each other on Twitter. Here's our first conversation:

I look back at our Facebook messages now and just laugh. I don't actually talk like that. And I don't remember what her profile picture was. I think it was someone from All Time Low. Oh and don't forget the classic ;D I added to that... Actually, yeah, forget all about that. Let's move on.

During the process of talking to Delaney, I was also talking to about three other people, desperately hoping to make friends before moving into school. This was a really weird thing for me. What if I liked someone enough to room with them? Should I ask? What if they don't want to? Would they say yes because they feel guilty? .....This was starting to sound like a really complicated relationship status.
After a while, I kind of just stopped talking to the other three girls. Delaney was all I had left and I was scared she hated me. Obviously, she didn't. I remember very vividly the day we became "official."
I was on my senior trip in Disney world. My friends and I were on a monorail to Epcot and I got this message:

So there's that. We exchanged phone numbers and accepted each other as "roommates" on our housing application and now we live happily ever after in a tiny freshman dorm room on the third floor. (Did you know that heat RISES?)

Living with someone is weird at first. Especially if you're not very talkative, like me. I got used to it quickly, though, and now I find it even weirder when I go home to not have someone to talk to at 2 a.m.
The roommate process didn't freak me out as much as I thought it would. I think I just got really lucky. And if Delaney had never messaged me, I don't know who I would be sharing a room with or if I would have ever been friends with her.
Taking risks is a good thing. You just never know. The worst someone can say is "no."
And I'm glad I didn't :)

Look how cute we are.

P.S. We also attempted a YouTube channel! --->

I know, we don't update much. Just - be patient. We're still getting used to this college thing. 

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