Monday, April 28, 2014

Missions on Campus

Christian missionaries around the globe tend to travel long and far to reach out to poor communities, repair damaged property, build water wells in 3rd world countries, and even hold secret church meetings in places where it is illegal to practice Christianity. They fundraise for months, maybe even years, so that they can embark on these endeavors. For this reason, almost every Christian thinks that in order to fulfill a "mission" they must gather thousands of dollars, fly themselves, with a church group, to another country, and do labor all day, everyday. Missions trips like those are great - they give us Christians a chance to show God's love through the kindness of giving up our time and physical aid to those who need it. 
Commonly, though, a lot of Christians my age seem to neglect the mission field in their backyard. For me, the backyard is my school campus. The mission field here is endless.
I never got a chance to understand that concept until this year. Since serving with The River (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship), I started to become more aware of life outside of the "Christian bubble." There could be someone living down the hall from me that has never heard of Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity--at all. This was new to me. 
As a fellowship, we've seen how important it is to address this. As a Christian, God has put so many people in my life who have planted the seed, watered it, sat me to the sunlight, and gave me the nutrients to grow into the daughter of Christ that I am. 
I want to help plant that seed on Rider's campus. Next year I have been called to serve on the leadership team for my fellowship - a position that is really important to me. I want my campus to be exposed to a better life with Christ, just as I have been.

In order to prepare for the up and coming school year, my leadership team and I will be attending Basileia (a student leadership conference in upstate New York) from May 17th - 22nd. We will leave the week-long training more equipped and ready to go out and evangelize to our campus and spread the love of Christ. I'll also get to grow in my own personal relationship with God in order to become a more developed leader. 

Would you invest in my leadership development & spiritual formation? 
Here are two ways you can:
1. Prayer.
During Basileia: for unity, transformation & clarity as we hear from God and plan for the next school year. 
After Basileia: that we put what we've learned into practice and continue to seek God as we go forward!
2. Financial support: The cost of the trip is $375. Included in the costs are room & board, excellent training, and the opportunity to get away from the business of life and hear from God in community. (For details you can contact me, Emily Kelley).

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