Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fear of Responsibility

I hate to say it but I actually consider myself a very lazy person. I think I developed this terrible habit somewhere in high school. I refused to take honors/ AP classes (after a bad experience) even when I had the grades to and I wasn't really involved with any clubs. I was a little bit during my freshman year--but it all went downhill from there.
Trying new things has always made me really, really anxious. I hate going to new places without someone I know and I always get nervous talking to new people. This has effected me my entire life so I guess I've gotten used to it.
But I bet you could guess how high my anxiety levels were, moving into college. Completely new people, totally different atmosphere, way more opportunities, and the pressure to get involved in as much as possible. I mean, I only have 4 years at this school. 4 years. is. absolutely. nothing. I can't just sit on my butt all day and not go out and take advantage of the campus while I'm here.
In the fall, I made it my mission to join as many clubs as I could. I signed up to join a lot of different things: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, photography club, the school radio station, the TV studio, adventure club, student entertainment council, and probably a bunch more that I don't remember off the top of my head.
Unfortunately only a few of those clubs emailed me back, so those were the only ones I really got involved with.
This semester and last I got a job with Bronc Vision. It is almost the perfect job for a communication student like me. We basically shoot, broadcast and control all of the technology behind the basketball games, wresting matches, volleyball matches, etc. Whenever there was a game, I was always busy doing that.
I also helped film a segment for "Backstage Story", a music news program on the school's TV network, called "Alternative Route."
I joined photography club for a day. Then I got an email about the business fraternity needing a photographer for the semester. I'm not really a photographer and my camera isn't really the best but I decided to go for it. Almost every week, on Tuesdays, I spent an hour photographing some professional business person for them--at least I was getting paid, right?
My favorite organization, and probably the only one that, to this day, does not make me feel anxious about, is InterVarsity. Every Wednesday night we have "large group"--a time for us to come together to worship God and hear a short sermon. I also joined a Bible study, lead by one of my friends from high school, on Monday nights. I have done so so so much with the fellowship that I would love to talk about but I shall save that as another post for another day. :) Anyway, starting next year, I was chosen as business coordinator for the fellowship and basically, I'm going to have my hands full. Although, I will have an amazing team of other leaders to work with.
To top all of that off, I went ahead and applied to be photographer and photo editor for the school newspaper! Today I shot and edited the cover photo for tomorrow's paper. I guess this means I should get around to buying a nicer camera. Ya feel? If I get that job, I'll be even busier with my Tuesdays. I'll have classes all day: 9:45am - 9:30pm. Plus, the paper is put out every Wednesday so I would need to have the pictures edited and sized by then. This is all hoping I get the job. So, keep your fingers crossed!

Despite all I've been involved with, all I've worried about, and all of the homework that I didn't even get to mention, I really am enjoying my college experience. I just hope the next 3 years doesn't go as fast as the first one did.
I feel like my life has been changing so much in these past few months - but definitely for the better.
By the time I graduate, I'll be a pro at organization and responsibility! After all, you have to learn something  from an education... Don't you?

Don't be afraid to make yourself busy. And have a great time doing it.

And be careful out there, iPhones shatter easily.

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