Sunday, March 9, 2014


It's a Sunday night, 7:18 p.m., exactly. I have nothing to do. Delaney left to work on homework. I finished all of mine. For the first time I think, in the history of my existence, I have no homework to do on a Sunday night before 11 p.m.
I wrote 4/5 pages on my 2nd paper for the semester yesterday, sitting in one of the academic buildings for hours and hours. I wrote the final page today and it feels pretty darn good. Last time I handed in a paper for that class, it took me the entire weekend up until at least 11:58 p.m. on Sunday night. But I did get a B- on it. He's supposedly a really, really tough grader - so that's good I guess.
I also finished my media writing class, usually something that keeps me up all night. It's all about writing news releases. I love that kind of stuff, it's just stressful to be graded on it. Especially when she expects us to email her the homework before class in the morning.
My third and final class on Mondays is Spanish. I shouldn't hate it. But I do. Spanish my minor. I am realizing more every class that maybe this was a really bad decision. It's just really hard and time consuming. I feel completely lost during every class. Not to mention, it's an hour and a half long. Thank God it's only twice a week. So yeah, I probably have some sort of homework for that class, but I never do it. It's not necessary. We usually just go over it in class while I cry internally and promise myself I'm going to drop the class as soon as I get back to my dorm... Haha. Not a chance.
Then, of course, there is Sociological Imagination. It's a weird title for a class, right? Yeah, it's basically just a fancy way of saying Sociology. I've accepted it. But anyway, I have a midterm on Thursday. So there's that that I should be studying for. But my professor isn't handing out the study guide until Tuesday. Good thing I went to SI (Supplemental Instruction - It's basically like extra help/ tutoring for a specific class). He gave our SI leader the study guide. There was only 5 of us who showed up. It's not very helpful though. It's a little too broad and I don't know how I'm going to study everything off of there by Thursday. But, ya know.
I'll start studying tomorrow. ;)

I guess I'll go waste away my life on photoshop until I pass out. Peace.

Also, here. Have this picture of me, Sam Miller and two of my best friends, Alex and Megan. Because I get to see at least one of them in a few days :-)

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